Bethlehem Environment Climate Action Team
Bethlehem Environment Climate Action Team
The Bethlehem Environment Climate Action Team, often referred to as the “Green Team,” was formed out of increasing concern for the effects of climate change and the stewardship of our Earth.
During the past year we have tried to raise awareness about the effects of Climate Change on our lives and give practical ways individuals can take action. Events included hosting vegetarian dinners, a movie night on sustainable farming, and we celebrated Earth Day/Arbor Day by planting a tree on the Bethlehem grounds.
Members of the Team include: Linda Bond, June & Bill Brown, Tom Carpenter, Laura O'Connell, Heidi Echols, Jay & Barb Gyarmathy, Ralph & Marilyn Klein, Jan Boden, Jim Christian, Dave Schmid, Sara Flores, David Landahl, Larry Poetzinger, Harry Meyer.
If this sounds interesting to you and you want to get involved contact Harry Meyer (, 773-991-9072) any members listed here or Pastor Jennie.